Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture

Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture is very inspiring. This is my third time watching it and I really enjoy it and it teaches a lot each time I have watched it. As he begins his lecture he is very upbeat considering his condition and what he has to look forward too. Throughout his lecture he talks about his childhood dreams, and the fundamentals that he learned as a child helped him build his outlook on life. Randy talks about his life and some of the lessons he has learned throughout his life. One thing I found interesting was how he said “we can not change the cards we are dealt, just how we play them.”

Randy shares many of his childhood dreams and what he learned from them. I like how he talks about learning to work harder for the things you want most. This implies to me a lot since I am an athlete and I work hard on everything I do and it pays off. As we dream we will come to some difficult things. Randy refers back to “brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things.” Don’t let obstacles hold you down - keep finding ways to get better and never give up. As we become teachers we will see many students give up on things and we need to step in and tell them to keep going and things will always get worse before they get better so just keep fighting.

During his lecture he points out what it takes to become successful. Never forget the people that help us along the way. We all need help to succeed in life. Learn to tell the truth, be honest, admit your mistakes and don’t be selfish. Learn to respect authority while always questioning it in your mind to learn why. As Randy was going through his life he said to always have fun. You need to be able to teach people to believe in you, build trust and confidence in your abilities. Listen to your critics – they are outside looking in. Hold your tongue and just work harder and don’t complain. Always be prepared. Everyone has a good side.

In conclusion, this lecture was mainly for his children because he might not be around to tell them what he wants as they are growing up and to live their dreams.
Be good at something – don’t waste your life it could end at anytime.


Jennifer Averitt said...

EXCELLENT! Randy was truly an inspiration. He is correct in that if you want something bad enough, you can achieve it. Sometimes dreams/goals change, that's OK, just keep striving to better yourself. Keep up the good work.

Rosilyn said...

I like that statement about playing the cards that we were dealt also. There is no excuse for anyone not do anything they set their minds to do.