Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mathematics with Technology

In these two podcasts Judy Chandler who is a mathematic teacher and technology integration speacialist for the Maine Learning Technology. Judy states that teachers should think about how technology is not needed from when studying math, but not to get me wrong it is a great source of information. By using technology is lets students get a different picture of how to use math is different ways. Technology is also a great skill for critical thinking. This allows students to get answers a different way and also by looking at all the different angles and be able to come up with a systematic answer based on their critical thinking skills.

Judy is trying to provide free resources that can be available to teachers and also discussing ways that technology can benefit students. I feel that technology is an important tool and students should be able to learn how to use in the classroom. By knowing how to use different technologies can help you out a lot in the world today.